Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer is your gateway into the Age of Sigmar and your chance to enter a new world. You’ll collect, build and paint two armies of incredible fantasy miniatures before engaging in epic tabletop battles.



Each month you will receive 4 issues delivered to your door.

Each issue costs $13.99, with the exception of issue 1 at $6.99 and issue 2 which is FREE. Premium subscribers pay $3 extra per issue. You will receive 4 FREE gifts during the course of your collection. You will receive a FREE Gutrippa Miniature as part of the PRE-ORDER OFFERS. Shipping & Handling is $2.50 per issue.

Issue 1, 2 and 3
Subscribe now and receive your first package. You will receive Issue 1 with your first battle mat and 6 dice + Issue 2 FREE, within 10-12 business days.
Every month receive a delivery of four issues and all you need to build your collection.
Sit back, relax and dive into an incredible fantasy world with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer. The epic battles will be immense!




Below are the most frequently asked questions which we have answered. Please check here before you get in contact with us, as you may find we have already answered your question(s).


What is Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer?

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer is your gateway into the Age of Sigmar and your chance to enter a new world. You’ll collect, build and paint two armies of incredible fantasy miniatures before engaging in epic tabletop battles.

Please note: the collection is not suitable for children under the age of 12 and should be used under adult supervision.


When will I receive my first delivery?

You will receive the first delivery 10 to 12 business days after placing your order. Each monthly delivery thereafter will be dispatched once your monthly subscription payment has been processed.

Your subscription gifts will be delivered throughout the duration of your subscription in separate packages, rather than all at once. In the event of any gift being out of stock, or due to any circumstance beyond the control of the publisher, it will be replaced by another of equal or greater value.


How many issues are there in the collection?

There are 80 issues in the collection.


How much does each issue cost?

  • Issue 1 comes at the special price of $6.99 for all customers.
  • Issue 2 is FREE.
  • Issue 3 onwards is priced at $13.99. Premium subscribers pay $16.99.

S&H is $2.50 per issue for US subscribers. Plus sales tax when applicable.


Are there any binders or extras with the subscription?

You will receive your FREE binder with dividers in your 3rd delivery.


What payment methods are available?

Visa, Mastercard or PayPal.


Have you received my subscription request? - I have not had confirmation.

If you have subscribed online, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please contact our Customer Service Team since there may have been a problem receiving your order, or an error with the email address used on your order form.


What are the subscription gifts and when will I receive them?

Limited Time Offer

  • 1st delivery – one of your two issues will be FREE.
  • 2nd delivery – you will receive your FREE Citadel modelling kit.
  • 3rd delivery – you will receive your FREE Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer binder and dividers. And you will receive your FREE Gutrippa Boss miniature, while stocks last.
  • 4th delivery – you will receive your FREE exclusive heat-changing mug.
  • 6th delivery – you will receive your FREE Citadel paint brush set.


  • 1st delivery – one of your 2 issues will be FREE.
  • 2nd delivery – you will receive your FREE Citadel modelling kit.
  • 3rd delivery – you will receive your FREE Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer binder and dividers.
  • 4th delivery – you will receive your FREE exclusive heat-changing mug.
  • 6th delivery – you will receive your FREE Citadel paint brush set.

Can I get the free subscription gifts without subscribing?

No, sorry, but if you’d like to subscribe you can do so here.


What is the premium subscription and when will I receive my premium gifts?

The premium subscription is an exclusive offer giving you the opportunity to receive 4 additional sets throughout your collection for just $3 extra per issue. Each set explores other forces and you will receive a total of 4 magazines and tons of miniatures. You will also still receive the standard subscription gifts!

  • With Issue 15, you will receive your first premium kit containing Krondys, Son of Dracothion.
  • With Issue 33, you will receive your second premium kit containing Gordrakk, Fist of Gork.
  • With Issue 51, you will receive your third premium kit containing a Grundstok Gunhauler, an Aetheric Navigator and 3 Skywardens.
  • With Issue 69, you will receive your fourth premium kit containing a Dankhold Troggoth and 3 Rockgut Troggoths.

How can I get a premium subscription?

You can begin a premium subscription by subscribing here and selecting the premium subscription option.


When I start my premium subscription, what issue will I start paying the additional $3 from?

You will start paying the extra $3 from your second delivery.


I want to cancel the premium side of my subscription and continue to receive the issues at the regular price. Can I get a refund for the premium payments that I have already paid?

No, it is not currently possible to switch from Premium to Standard.


If I cancel my subscription am I able to pay the remaining premium payment to receive the additional items?

No, premium items are only available if your subscription is still running.


What if I move house?

Please contact our Customer Service Team to let them know your new address and we will update your details accordingly. Please note you cannot change your delivery address for your subscription online.


What if my card is expired or my payment details changed? How can I update my details securely?

Please give us a call using the details in the contact section. Please make sure that you don’t share any of your payment or card information by email.


How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel at any time giving 28 days’ notice – please contact our Customer Service Team via telephone or email.


How do I return an issue?

If you subscribe and decide for whatever reason not to keep a received issue – please contact our Customer Service Team via telephone or email.


I have not received all my issues or gifts. How can you help?

We are sorry to hear that. If you have recently subscribed, please allow up to 10 to 12 days for the delivery of your first parcel. Our Customer Service Team can resolve this for you, please just get in touch using one of the methods in the contact section. If you email the team, please include your name and order number in the subject line.


Why have I received the wrong issue(s)?

A mispack may have happened. We will replace all your issues with the correct copies. In order for us to arrange for a replacement, please contact our Customer Service Team via phone or email. If you email the team, please include your name and order reference in the subject line.


What should I do if I receive a damaged issue?

We replace any damaged issues free of charge. Please contact our Customer Service Team.


Why can't I get through on the telephone number given?

We have lots of lines and staff dedicated to helping you, but they can be busy at peak times so please keep trying. Alternatively, please use the contact form on our website or email our Customer Service Team.


I cannot access some of the website pages. What can I do?

It may be a temporary problem, so please click refresh to reload the page. If you are experiencing problems getting through to the secure order area when trying to place a subscription, please get in touch with our Customer Service Team using one of the methods in the contact section.




Email our customer service team at customerserviceus@hachette-service.com



Chat with one of our customer service team.



Call the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer hotline on:

US Toll Free: (888) 664-5647